Injuries to the spine can be devastating for you and your family. This is particularly true for spinal cord injuries affecting the thoracic spine. Thoracic injuries can significantly reduce your quality of life and even result in paralysis.

Have you recently suffered a thoracic injury in a San Diego accident? If so, contact Injury Trial Lawyers, APC to find out how we can help you recover much-needed compensation. Our personal injury attorneys know that an injury to your spine can be catastrophic and will fight to make sure you get the money you deserve. Call us today to schedule a free case evaluation with our legal team.

What is a Thoracic Injury?

Thoracic injuries are a specific type of spinal cord injury. The thoracic spine is located in the upper-to-middle part of the back, sitting between the cervical spine and lumbar spine. As a general rule, the higher up on the spine damage occurs, the more devastating the injury. Since the thoracic spine is located in the upper part of the back, thoracic injuries can be quite severe.
This particular part of the spine is made up of 12 different vertebrae: T1 to T12. The type and extent of your thoracic injuries will depend on which vertebrae were injured in your accident. If the following vertebrae were injured in your accident, you may experience symptoms in the following parts of your body:

  • T1: hands and fingers
  • T2 – T5: chest
  • T6 – T8: chest and abdominals
  • T9 – T12: abdominals and lower back

Your thoracic spine is primarily responsible for relaying communications from your brain to the lower back, lower extremities, and abdominals. As a result, damage to the thoracic spine often results in paraplegia, which is the loss of mobility in the lower half of your body.

Thoracic injury victims generally retain the use of their arms, hands, and upper body, but are often confined to a wheelchair and face significant limitations in their lives. However, many thoracic injury victims do find that they are able to drive a modified car, use a manual wheelchair, and even stand in a frame with supportive devices.

Thoracic Injury Symptoms

Any injury to the spinal cord can have serious consequences. If you have suffered an injury to your thoracic spine, you may experience some or all of these of symptoms and consequences:

  • Partial or complete loss of mobility in your legs, lower back, and trunk
  • Loss of sensation and feeling in your trunk and limbs
  • Tingling or weakness in your extremities
  • Inability to regulate body temperature
  • Inability to control your bladder and/or bowels
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Chest and rib pain
  • Severe back pain, and
  • Loss of consciousness.

If you have recently been involved in a San Diego accident and have experienced any of these symptoms it is important to seek medical attention immediately. Left untreated, these symptoms could result in debilitating and life-threatening complications.

Causes of Thoracic Injuries in San Diego

Thoracic injuries can occur in any “high energy” San Diego accident. However, damage to the thoracic spine is most likely to occur when you are suddenly subjected to violent and rapid movement. Accidents that are likely to cause a thoracic injury include:

Contact Injury Trial Lawyers, APC if you have recently suffered damage to your spinal cord in an accident. Our San Diego personal injury team will fight to get you the money you deserve.

Statute of Limitations for Thoracic Injury Lawsuits

In California, anyone who contributes to the cause of your accident or injury can be held financially responsible for your harm. You can even recover compensation if you are partly to blame for your serious injury. However, you only have a limited amount of time to file a lawsuit.

California imposes a rigid statute of limitations in most personal injury matters, including those involving spinal cord injuries. Personal injury claims must be filed within two years of your thoracic injury-causing accident. If you don’t file your claim on time you will not be able to get the money you deserve.

There may be certain times when the statute of limitations will be different. For example, lawsuits filed against the government are subject to an accelerated statute of limitations of 180 days. On the other hand, you may have additional time to file your lawsuit if you cannot locate the person responsible for causing your accident.

The best way to make sure that your lawsuit is filed on time is by contacting an attorney as soon as you can after an accident. Call our San Diego personal injury lawyers today to schedule your free case evaluation.

Why Should I File a Thoracic Injury Lawsuit?

Why should you consider filing a personal injury lawsuit after you suffer a thoracic injury? Injuries involving the spinal cord are not only painful and debilitating, but can also generate tens of thousands of dollars in related expenses. According to the Christopher and Dana Reeve Foundation, thoracic injury resulting in paraplegia will cost you approximately $518,904 in the first year of recovery, alone. In each subsequent year, you can anticipate costs exceeding $68,000. These estimates do not even include calculations for lost wages, disability, and loss of quality of life.

Spinal cord injuries not resulting in paraplegia can also generate incredibly burdensome medical bills. Thoracic injuries, no matter how severe, will require extensive medical care, surgery, and rehabilitation. The costs of your accident will only be more pronounced if you are unable to return to work and generate an income. Filing a personal injury claim for damages can allow you to recover the money you desperately need after your accident.

Damages Available to San Diego Thoracic Injury Victims

At Injury Trial Lawyers, APC, our personal injury attorneys are prepared to help you recover all of the damages to which you are entitled. In most cases, this will include awards of both economic and non-economic damages, including those for:

  • Hospitalization
  • Surgery
  • Rehabilitation
  • Prosthetics
  • Medically-necessary home alterations (e.g., ramps and elevators)
  • Medically-necessary assistive devices (e.g., wheelchairs)
  • Disability, both temporary and permanent
  • Medication
  • Nursing care
  • Chronic pain
  • Loss of enjoyment of life
  • Emotional distress, and
  • Loss of consortium (sexual relations).

Contact us today to schedule your free consultation. We will review your case, assess the strength of your claim, and answer any questions you have.

San Diego Thoracic Injury Attorney

Were you recently involved in a San Diego accident? Are you currently struggling with a painful and debilitating thoracic injury? If someone else is to blame you may be entitled to compensation. Our San Diego personal injury lawyers can help you maximize the financial settlement or award you receive. Call us today to set up free case evaluation with our skilled legal team and learn more.

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