April 30, 2019
Mirena Crash After IUD Removal

More than 2 million women around the world have been prescribed the Mirena IUD. Doctors can prescribe the device for up to five years, giving women the ability to prevent pregnancy for an extended period of time. Since the device was approved by the FDA in 2002, women have experienced a host of dangerous side effects. In order to avoid complications, many have opted to have the Mirena IUD removed early.
Unfortunately, removing the Mirena IUD is associated with health risks of its own. Now thousands of women across the world, including women right here in San Diego, are experiencing the “Mirena crash.” So you may be wondering, What is the Mirena Crash? The Mirena Crash is the name that has been given to the symptoms of discomfort women are experiencing when the Mirena IUD has been removed.
Early Removal of IUD Creates Dangerous Hormone Imbalance
Women choose the Mirena IUD because it provides an extended window of protection against unwanted or unplanned pregnancy. There’s no need to remember to take a pill every day. The IUD works by secreting a hormone that thickens the cervical mucus. This prevents sperm from entering the uterus and meeting up with any fertile eggs.
Women with the Mirena IUD have reported several unpleasant and potentially life-threatening side effects. These include ectopic pregnancy, organ perforation, and device migration. Some women have even noted severe neurological effects. It became clear to many women that the best way to avoid these complications was to simply have the Mirena IUD removed before the prescription expired.
However, Bayer, the device manufacturer, did not warn women about the hormone imbalance they would experience when the IUD was removed. When the IUD is implanted in the uterus, the body stops producing progesterone, the hormone secreted by the device. When the device is removed, the body doesn’t begin to produce the hormone again right away. This creates a severe hormone imbalance in women. The imbalance is linked to several side effects and complications, now referred to as the “Mirena crash.”
Mirena Crash is Associated With Several Complications
Complications associated with the Mirena crash include:
- Depression
- Severe and uncontrollable mood swings
- Anxiety
- Irritability
- Loss of interest in normal activities
- Insomnia
- Fatigue
- Nausea and vomiting
- Painful sex
- Decreased sex drive, and more.
It’s estimated that a third of all women who have the Mirena IUD removed suffer from depression, anxiety, and severe emotional distress. These emotional complications can lead to dangerous behaviors, including substance abuse and thoughts of suicide.
Bayer, Doctors Refuse to Acknowledge Mirena Crash
Women who have experienced the Mirena crash have received little to no support from the doctors or the device manufacturer. Both claim that any complications arising around the time of IUD removal are unrelated to the device.
However, a sudden shift in hormones does help to explain why so the Mirena Crash is making women suffer after getting their Mirena IUDs removed. Now women are taking matters into their own hands and filing lawsuits against the pharmaceutical giant.
In California, pharmaceutical companies like Bayer have a responsibility to provide safe medical devices. If a device is defective or has the potential to cause dangerous side effects, the company has a legal obligation to warn doctors and patients.
Bayer has not provided any warnings to patients about the risks of removing the Mirena IUD. as a result, women are having the device removed without fully understanding the potential consequences. Lawsuits are asking courts to hold the company accountable for the company’s decision to keep women in the dark.
Injury Trial Lawyers, APC
1230 Columbia Street #560
San Diego, CA 92101
(619) 525-7007