Motorcycles are a great way to get around San Diego, but they come with their own specific types of risks that are much more complicated and dangerous than using a car or truck for transportation. Simply put, this is because of the lack of protection for the rider of the motorcycle during a collision, and the additional fact that once they make contact with another vehicle, the rider will be thrown from the vehicle and have a secondary impact when they hit the ground. Because of these multiple impacts and the lack of a frame, airbags, and other standard protections of a car, the injuries from a motorcycle accident can be significant and catastrophic.

After you have had your injuries treated initially, one of the next steps to take during your recovery is to contact a motorcycle accident attorney in San Diego. When working with an attorney, you can focus on your rehabilitation while confident that there is an experienced legal professional advocating for you throughout the insurance claims process. With this confidence, you can make recovery a priority without feeling like you are not giving the proper attention to your financial and legal needs.

Read more below about some examples of motorcycle accident injuries, and contact us now to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your situation with an experienced legal professional. We will be happy to give you advice on how to proceed with the next steps and give you clarity on how we can help you make the most out of this frustrating and painful situation.

Common Injuries From Motorcycle Accidents

The following examples are only meant to give a general idea of injuries and is in no way meant to be comprehensive of all possible injuries, or the actual impacts of the injuries listed. Whether or not any of the following examples are representative of your own experience, contact us now to get working on your case.


Whiplash is a very common injury in many different types of vehicle accidents, and happens when the head jerks rapidly in a back and forth, or “S” motion. When this rapid jerking takes place, the soft tissues of the neck such as the muscles, ligaments, and tendons are stretched and torn. 

Whiplash can cause things like a stiff and sore neck, decreased mobility and trouble turning your head, as well as sleeping problems, headaches, jaw and muscle aches, and general pain. The most common treatment is rest, as well as the use of a neck brace to keep the muscles still and steady as they repair themselves. 

Traumatic Brain Injuries

The term “traumatic brain injury” covers a wide range of specific injuries, including concussions, comas, or brain death. These injuries occur when the head experiences trauma like an impact, such as an impact on the hard pavement after a motorcycle accident. Using a helmet can help to significantly reduce the risk of serious or permanent brain injuries, but they are still very common motorcycle crash injuries. 

If you suspect that you have suffered even a minor traumatic brain injury, it is important that you see a doctor immediately. Sometimes a “minor” TBI can turn into something severe and life-altering if not treated promptly. 

Road Rash

Road rash is another common injury in things like bicycle, motorcycle, skateboarding, or scooter accidents. The term “road rash” is a colloquial term that described the terrible abrasion injuries that happen when someone hits the pavement and slides across it. As the body slides across the rough pavement, layers of skin are pulled off leaving the victim with large areas of raw, painful injuries that almost look like burns.

Depending on the speed of the impact, the type of protective gear that the motorcycle rider was wearing, and a variety of other factors, road rash can range from minor discomfort to something that requires extensive surgery and skin grafting in the hopes of restoring the area. Scarring is extremely common with road rash.

Bone Fractures

With any impact or collision, there is a risk of a fractured bone. When a motorcycle rider is hit by a car, there is an initial risk of fracturing a bone from the actual contact with the moving vehicle, which can cause broken bones in the legs or anywhere else that makes direct contact with the car. However, there is the secondary risk of a fracture once the rider is thrown from the vehicle and hits the ground.

It is natural for a person to extend their hands as they fall in order to protect themselves and cushion the impact, but at the same time, this can lead to things like broken arms and wrists, in addition to any other fractures that occur as a result of the impact. 

Internal Bleeding

Another significant risk of an impact is damage to the internal organs or any other internal system. When an internal organ is damaged due to trauma, it can bleed inside the body and caused many more complications than just the initial injury to the organ. Since these types of injuries are not readily visible, they require that the victim recognizes that there is a problem and seeks treatment for them immediately.

If you are experiencing any type of internal pain after a motorcycle accident, it is essential that you see a doctor as soon as possible to get the medical attention that you deserve.

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