It’s important for drivers in Oceanside to have a car accident lawyer Oceanside they can trust to fight for them in car accident lawsuits. Below is some information that can help you if you’ve been involved in a car accident in Oceanside.

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some answers to help you if you’ve been involved in a car accident.

What are some common causes of car accidents?

Some of the most common causes of accidents are speeding, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and distracted driving. Decades ago, drivers did not have a tiny device in their car that distracted them by providing messages and music while they drive. Always drive at the speed limit, never drive while under the influence of any substance and turn Off off notifications on your phone while you drive to prevent you from losing focus on the road.

I don’t feel injured, do I still need to see a doctor?

There are a couple of injuries that people don’t notice until after several hours or days have gone by. One of the most severe is internal bleeding. This can happen because capillaries burst under the skin when the body is suddenly thrust against a door or a seatbelt. And there are other severe injuries you may need to be checked for. If you were concerned about who is going to pay for your medical bills, then you will want to speak to a personal injury attorney about your specific concerns.


Unfortunately, Oceanside is a very dangerous city for drivers in California. In 2017 there were 876 people who were injured or killed in car accidents, and 134 of those involved alcohol. The city is also very dangerous for non-drivers such as pedestrians and bicyclists. In that same year, there were 83 pedestrian fatalities are injuries and 48 bicyclists who either were killed or injured. There were also 59 hit-and-run incidents in the city.

Why You Need A Car Accident Lawyer Oceanside

Sometimes people think that their case is very cut and dry and that there’s no risk in representing themselves. It’s important to know that we work on a contingency basis, which means that you do not pay a dime unless we win for you. Secondly, we have the experience and the successful track record to aggressively fight the insurance companies on your behalf. You risk a lower settlement and possibly missing out on more damages you can sue for when you do not hire a competent and driven attorney.

If the insurance company calls you, then do not talk to them. Instead, call us. We will negotiate the best settlement for your injuries and loss.

What To Do After A Car Accident 

Immediately following a car accident, move your car out of the road if you were blocking traffic. Next, check if there are any injuries in your vehicle, the other vehicle, or among any pedestrians. Even if the accident was minor, go ahead and call 911. Let them know the condition of the people around you including whether or not there are any bruises, cuts. Or any other non-life-threatening injuries.

In the time while you are waiting for the police and or the ambulance to arrive, you want to exchange vital information with the other driver such as your name, address, phone number, email address, and your insurance company and policy number. If there were any witnesses then you will want to get their basic contact information. But the important thing is to avoid getting into a fight or discussion with the other driver regarding how the accident happened. Take the time to take photos of the accident, as well as your injuries and anything that may have contributed to your crash, such as road conditions.

If you were offered to receive medical treatment then do not deny it. Instead, call the car accident lawyer Oceanside at Injury trial lawyers. You may not be responsible for those medical bills that you will incur for getting treated for your injuries. As soon as you’re released from the hospital, go ahead and start collecting the necessary documents including the police report.

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