The costs of a car accident cannot be underestimated. Medical bills will add up quickly. Fixing or replacing your damaged vehicle won’t be cheap. If your injury is severe, you may even be forced to miss time at work. Filing a personal injury lawsuit can allow you to recover the money you need during this difficult time. If you are thinking about filing a claim, you may be wondering how long it will take to get money in your hands. In truth, the answer will really depend on the details of your specific case.

Our attorneys will work diligently to get the money you need as quickly as possible. However, it is important to understand that personal injury cases can take time. If you want to make sure that you get each and every penny you deserve, you may have to wait. Call Injury Trial Lawyers, APC today to discuss the details of your case. Your first call is free, so do not hesitate to contact us for help today.

Factors that May Influence Your Case

There are many factors that can influence how long it takes to settle your personal injury case. However, there are three primary issues that will need to be considered: determining fault, calculating damages, and your physical recovery.

Determining Liability

Who is to blame for your accident? Is there is overwhelming evidence to support your case? Does the at-fault party accept responsibility, or are they fighting you every step of the way? Fault must be established (and accepted) before a personal injury claim can be settled.
Things can also become complicated if more than one person is to blame. In California, anyone who contributes to an accident can be responsible for damages. Figuring out what caused an accident will be required before fault can be established. This will require a full and thorough investigation into your accident. A proper investigation can take time.

Once the causes of your accident have been established we can move on to determining fault. Each person who played a part in causing your accident will share some of the blame. Apportioning fault can be tricky. The larger a person’s role in the accident, the more responsibility they will have to cover your damages.

Calculating Damages

What is your personal injury case worth? Who gets to decide how much money you should get? These are all questions that must be answered before you can sit down to discuss a settlement. A proper calculation of damages will require a full review of your accident and injuries. Our attorneys work with experts to determine the extent and severity of your injuries.

However, you can be certain that insurance companies will come up with a different number. They want to make sure that you receive as little in damages as possible. As a result, they will try to undervalue the harm you have suffered.

Your Physical Recovery

Insurance companies will want you to settle your personal injury case right away. Why? The earlier you settle, the less time you have to really understand the extent of your injuries. This can seriously affect the value of your case. For example, debilitating injuries can make things complicated. What if you cannot work in the future because of your injury? Your inability to work is certainly a consequence of your accident. If you settle right away, you may not realize that your injuries are so severe or what the true cost will be.

Settling before you have fully recovered from your injuries can be dangerous. You may accept a settlement offer that does not cover the full extent of your damages. Since you will sign an accident waiver when you accept an offer, you will not be able to recover additional damages in the future.

We know that getting money in hand immediately is ideal. However, accepting an early offer can do more harm than good. It is in your best interest to heal as much as possible before settling your case. Let our attorneys fully investigate your accident and work to properly value your case. We will make sure that you get the money you deserve.

Understanding Your Options After a Car Accident

You will have two primary options after a car accident. The first is to file a claim with the at-fault driver’s insurance company. The second is to pursue compensation from a personal injury lawsuit.

Car Insurance Accident Claim

A car insurance accident claim is not a lawsuit. Instead, it is a claim filed directly with an insurance company. The insurance company will review your claim and determine whether or not it will pay you for your injuries. It is common practice for these companies to simply deny claims when they are received. Remember, insurance companies do not want to pay you anything. They will do whatever they can to minimize the money you get after an accident. You may have to really fight to have your claim properly analyzed by an insurer.

Our attorneys will help you navigate the insurance claim process. We will make sure that the company takes your request for damages seriously. If they refuse to accept responsibility and pay the money you deserve, we will urge you to consider legal action.

Personal Injury Lawsuit

If someone else caused your accident you have the right to file a personal injury lawsuit. Lawsuits tend to be more time-consuming than insurance claims. However, you are taking control of the situation and are more likely to get the money you need. Our attorneys have been handling complex car accident lawsuits since 2005. We know the best methods for getting you the compensation you deserve. Our aggressive strategies have allowed us to recover millions in compensation for our clients. Most of our cases will settle privately outside of court. However, our award-winning litigators will not hesitate to bring your case to a jury. We are well-known in San Diego for being forces in the courtroom. Our reputation will only help your efforts to settle your case.

Hiring an Attorney to Handle Your Case

Whether you decide to submit an insurance claim or file a lawsuit, you should always have the help of a lawyer. Insurance companies will do whatever they can to prevent you from getting the money you deserve. Some will continually deny your claim. Some will offer a quick settlement to make your case go away without doing any damage to their bottom line. Others will drag out the process and make you jump through unnecessary hoops.

Our experienced San Diego attorneys will make sure that you are protected from these manipulative tactics. We will make sure that your case moves along smoothly and that you get a fair settlement as early on in the process as possible. We will consult you every step of the way. You will have the ability to accept or decline any offer that is extended to you. We will fight to make sure that the offer you decide to accept is sufficient to cover your costs.

No Win, No Fee Lawyers

We don’t want the cost of an attorney to be prohibitive. Hiring an attorney will speed up the process and help you maximize your recovery. This is why we work on a contingency fee basis. We do not get paid until we recover compensation for you. You can also be assured that we absorb all costs during the process. We will simply take a small percentage of your settlement as our legal fee.

Speak with our San Diego Injury Lawyers Today

Have you been injured in a San Diego car accident? You may be entitled to compensation. Settling your personal injury case can take time. With our help, you can make sure that you get the money you deserve. Call Injury Trial Lawyers, APC today to schedule a free case assessment. The sooner you call, the sooner our attorneys can begin to work on your personal injury case.

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